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Meet Me Here by Pastor Marquis Franklin

Meet Me Here by Pastor Marquis Franklin  (To hear this sermon, click on the title above or subscribe via God is a personal and relational God and wants to meet with you Pastor Marquis shares the reasons God wants to meet with us. We are weary and need To be refreshed  For God to reveal plans…

Seasons of Learning by Pastor Harold Franklin

Seasons of Learning by Pastor Harold Franklin (To hear this sermon, click on the title above or subscribe via       The labor pains that we are facing in this season we are in. God’s desire is to speak and lease us closer to Him.       What are supposed to do as…

The Power of Unity by Pastor Marquis Franklin

The Power of Unity by Pastor Marquis Franklin (To hear this sermon, click on the title above or subscribe via The effectiveness of working together in unity. Cancel culture and how it works. Our response can build or hinder unity. Are we speaking words of unity or words of division. Let us learn how to…

Breaking Cycles pt3 by Pastor Harold Franklin

Breaking Cycles pt3 by Pastor Harold Franklin (To hear this sermon, click on the title above or subscribe via Navigating and aligning our personal will with the will of God. Choosing to follow God and be free. The story of Naman & Elisha.  Forgiving others just as we want God to forgive us! Despite the…

Certainty by Pastor Marquis Franklin

Certainty by Pastor Marquis Franklin  (To hear this sermon, click on the title above or subscribe via With the unfamiliar year that we’ve been facing with COVID and the civil unrest, what do we do as the body of Christ. We must stay at the feet of Jesus, to know what He wants from us….

Breaking Cycles pt 2 by Pastor Harold Franklin

Breaking Cycles pt 2 by Pastor Harold Franklin  (To hear this sermon, click on the title above or subscribe via We must not allow our history or past to keep us from becoming who God desires us to be. We have to learn to trust others because Faith requires us to trust God. Learning who…

Will You Answer by Pastor Precious Franklin

Will You Answer by Pastor Precious Franklin (To hear this sermon, click on the title above or subscribe via The test God puts Abraham through. Keep in connection with us    Website:   Twitter:    Facebook:   Podcast Link   Podcast Powered by Genuine Life Media Keep in connection with us…

Breaking The Cycles by Pastor Harold Franklin

Breaking The Cycles by Pastor Harold Franklin (To hear this sermon, click on the title above or subscribe via Bad experience shapes our character but how do we let God’s word repair those areas? The deception of bondage and being slaves to sin. The way we break cycles isn’t in our strength. We must break…

Refining Moments by Brother Tamron Harrison

Refining Moments by Brother Tamron Harrison (To hear this sermon, click on the title above or subscribe via God wants to do something in us during this time of quarantine. Tamron shares the God has been showing Him that He is in control and not us. God wants to use this time to grow us…

According To Your Faith pt 4 by Pastor Harold Franklin

According To Your Faith pt 4 by Pastor Harold Franklin (To hear this sermon, click on the title above or subscribe via Happy Mother’s Day From New Creation Christian Center  Why do we doubt what God says He will do? Do you believe that God can do the supernatural and is able to work miracles….