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The Law of the Spirit pt 2 by Pastor Harold Franklin

Understanding the work and function of the Spirit of God. The power of the Spirit of God to draw men. Here how the Spirit of God was able to draw Pastor as a young adult! Are you allowing the Spirit of God to work in you??? Keep in connection with us Website: Twitter:…

The Law of the Spirit by Pastor Harold Franklin

Pastor Harold shares about the Spirit of God and it’s place in our life starting at the creation of the world  Learn the power of commandments and how the Spirit of God teaches us to operate in it. Scripture references: Luke 7:7-10; Mark 4:35-41; Mark 10:46-52 Keep in connection with us Website: Twitter:…

Who Does God Want Me To Be by Pastor Marquis Franklin

Pastor Marquis delivers a message dealing with Who God Wants Us To Be!!! Many times in today’s world we are looking for affirmation from man or in our job titles But do we seek that same affirmation from God Learn things that we should do and also should not do in define Who We Are…

Passover Elements by Pastor Harold Franklin

 Pastor Harold Franklin shares with us the continual importance of knowing about the Jewish Festivals as well what Jesus fulfilled at the Last Supper. Keep in connection with us Website: Twitter: Facebook: Podcast Link Podcast Powered by Genuine Life Media Play in new window | Download

Standing In Liberty pt 3 by Pastor Harold Franklin Jr.

Romans 7:21-25 Romans 8:6-8  Even though we live in a day were the Scriptures are easily accessible in most of the world, we tend to find that many still aren’t able to understand the will of God Learn how to be spiritually minded and live and move by Faith. Keep in connection with us Website:…

Vision and Purpose by Pastor Forest Woodley

Find out what God’s purpose is for your life. All things will work for those who love The Lord and are calked according to His purpose Begin to pursue all God has for you Keep in connection with us Website: Twitter: Facebook: Podcast Link Podcast Powered by Genuine Life Media…

Stand In Liberty by Pastor Harold Franklin

We as believers have not fully grasped the liberty that we must have because of our sinful nature  We can do nothing of Eternal Value without God Exodus 23:24-26 The Story of the Israelites not understanding the Liberty of God Learn the things that keep you from moving forward in the purpose of God in…

The Family pt 13 by Pastor Harold Franklin

Pastor Harold comes back to finish the series of The Family He speaks about the new families that are now in the world and how to raise them according to Scripture Single and Step parents, Blended Families  and unnatural families The message of Jesus was repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is Near Mathew 4…

It’s a War by Pastor Marquis

Everyday we are living we are facing a war Daniel 10 The war in the heavens and how that relates to us Knowing the Strongholds we fight against How we must fight Keep in connection with us Website: Twitter: Facebook: Podcast Link Podcast Powered by Genuine Life Media Play in…

The Family pt 12 by Pastor Harold Franklin

Pastor Harold continues on the series of The Family In this segment he shares the relationships of the parents towards children What does the freedom of a believer include? Genesis 18:19 The responsibility of raising children in the Lord.   Keep in connection with us Website: Twitter: Facebook: Podcast Link Podcast…