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The Power and Unity of the Spirit by Pastor John Harris

Everybody in Life is in a search for power If we are going to see God move we must become in Unity! Do we have the answer for the question often asked Where is God??? The power of Unity for the right or wrong reasons! We must clarify what it means to be a Christian….

Denying Yourself pt3 by Pastor Harold Franklin

Denying Yourself pt3 by Pastor Harold Franklin (To hear this sermon click on the title directly above) (Brief Description) The Purpose o f Healing  The Boldness of Peter and John in the midst of the Sanhedrin in Acts 4 Obedience to the Word of God despite persecution The Identity they acquired and they way they…

Sin Pt 4 by Pastor Marquis

Pastor Marquis continues on the series on Sin In this message he talks on how we as Believers in Christ can be free from the snares of sin How to fight sin just as Jesus Did Also the importance of Fasting Keep in connection with us Website: Twitter: Facebook: Podcast Link…

Denying Yourself by Pastor Harold Franklin

What does Self Denial mean and not mean? Is Self Denial mean you become an Ascetic? The Pharisees believed they were great at deny yourself Keep in connection with us Website: Twitter: Facebook: Podcast Link Podcast Powered by Genuine Life Media Play in new window | Download

Denying Yourself pt 2 by Pastor Harold Franklin

In this message we are going to share how Peter was willing to die for Christ but not the way God wanted him to do it Laying our Life Down for Jesus The Definition of a Christian Surrender Your Will To God If we lose the battle in prayer we will lose the battle in…

Be Encouraged by Pastor Dean Elders

We were blessed to have Missionary and Pastor Dean Elders come and share a word of Encouragement to the body of Christ He shares that we must encourage ourself He goes through some scriptures where the Israelites and David were all but defeated but how were they encouraged to keep on Psalm 139:12-18 Keep in…

Sin pt 3 by Pastor Marquis

Pastor Marquis Franklin continues on his message of Sin In this sermon he talks on God’s View of sin and some of the things he hates He also touched on who are you a slave to Romans 6 We also went through Hebrews chapter 2 and discussed Sanctification Keep in connection with us Website:…

Becoming A Disciple pt 10 by Pastor Harold Franklin Jr

Pastor Harold continued on the message Becoming A Disciples He answers questions such as: Can Good Works and Christianity exist together??? Why is Fellowship amongst His church important??? Philippians 4:1-2 What does it mean to bear one another’s burdens??? Also find out where we need to be in order to grow and mature!!! Keep in…

Becoming A Disciple pt 9 by Pastor Harold

Pastor Harold Franklin continues his message on becoming a disciple and speaks on things such as Fellowship and Being Led by the Spirit. He shares how to be a part of The WorldWide Church and not divide but searching out the common ground. Find out the things of God where you are connected in Keep…

The Resurrection and The Work by Pastor Harold

In this message Pastor Harold speaks on the Resurrection and the Work of Christ If God gave Jesus what else is he willing to give us??? What Provision has God Provided for you??? How does God provide Provision, Protection & Favor??? Keep in connection with us Website: Twitter: Facebook: Podcast Link…